Climbing Denali Part 5 – The Summit
17 June (Day 13): The planned summit day for Scott and Bob was not meant to be. The forecasted good weather actually turned out to be the...

Climbing Denali Part 4
Starting to get really high up on the mountain and just days away from the summit. 11 June (Day 7): After surviving the long day up to...

Climbing Denali Part 3
Acclimatizing, caching, planning and constructive arguing were the themes of the next 3 days. 08 Jun 12 (Day 4): Turned out to be a bad...

Climbing Denali Part 2
Starting to move higher up the mountain, which means less air and more fatigue. 06 Jun 12 (Day 2): Today we moved from Ski Hill (7,800...

Climbing Denali Part 1
After a little bit of a blog hiatus and much needed body recovery time, I’m back and ready to start talking a little bit about the trip...

Bagged another summit!
After a long and difficult expedition on 16 June 2012, I summitted Denali. The highest peak in North America at 6194m (20,320 ft) AMSL....

Denali: The Start of a Great Adventure
Tomorrow is the start of another milestone in my goal of conquering the 7 summits. Denali, located just south of the arctic circle, in...